Based in the Pacific Northwest

Effie & Dima met on a blind date. Having never been on a blind date myself, I can only gather from what I’ve seen in movies that surely it is super. awkward. Apparently… not for Effie & Dima. A year after that blind date, they met at the same coffee shop once again…but this time to see each other for the first time on the day they would become husband and wife.

Their wedding was beautiful from start to finish. Dima is our favorite kind of groom…sensitive with a huge heart that he wears on his sleeve. Even better….ALL of his brothers are the same way (which made for the most awesome toast moment ever). I think it was all of three words (since that’s all his brother Valentin could choke out). But it was perfect since we all wept with him. So much love. So much hope. Congrats Effie & Dima!


You guys did such a great job capturing the wedding, I love it! good job you guys!

Thank you Yeva!