Based in the Pacific Northwest

Last Tuesday I (Kevin) got an email from Kennith. He told me his plan to propose to Agnesa on Saturday in Leavenworth, Washington at the annual “Tree Lighting Festival”. He had a perfect plan for his perfect girl and wanted to make sure it would be documented for them to remember forever. Everything fell perfectly into place for us to go and by Wednesday night we had everything firmed up, and were getting very excited to share in the most important day of their lives thus far.

Agnesa & Kennith met at church. He was an intern and she was a volunteer so their paths did cross every now and again. Both being shy, they texted for months before they every actually sat down face to face. On their first “official date” the crazy waitress at Paddy Coins could sense the nerves and “oogley” eyes at the table and nonchalantly asked “You guys on your first date?”…she continued on to say “Oh, I just know you two are going to get married…don’t forget to invite me to the wedding!” As if they were not nervous enough already, Agnesa & Kennith laughed it off and did not bring up that moment for at least another 4 months.

Over the next several months they spent countless hours getting to know each other and each other’s families. They made wonderful memories full of joy, laughs, and a few tears. All this led to Kennith knowing without a shadow of doubt that Agnesa is the one.

Leavenworth is so beautiful at this time of year. It was a cold and dry evening with the smell of awesome food everywhere! Leavenworth was also PACKED with thousands of people…the perfect scenario for hiding out and blending in with the crowd until the right moment. We had a visual on Agnesa & Kennith for about 30 minutes before he popped the question so we were able to capture the moments leading up to the proposal as well. There was a countdown to the tree being lit. As soon as the crowd yelled “ONE” Kennith got down on one knee. I was much closer now than I was before but, as you can tell from the pictures, Agnesa was completely oblivious (and with good reason!). Shortly after they were surrounded by a group of woman singing and dancing and saying “Congratulations & Merry Christmas!!!” It was perfect.

We followed the newly engaged couple to the restaurant that they would have dinner at to grab a couple more photos. While they were in the middle of the street a woman came up to them and said “You just got engaged!”…she went on to say “It is written all over your faces…I could just tell.” And she was exactly right. It was written all over their faces…the same faces that were so mortified all those months before. Turns out the waitress wasn’t so crazy after all.

Congrats guys. Thank you so much for letting us be there.


[…] it really came full circle on this beautiful day after having already documented their perfect engagement in Leavenworth last December as well as their engagement session in […]

[…] catch up with Agnesa & Kennith for their engagement session. We had so much fun shooting their surprise proposal in Leavenworth last December and have been looking forward to their engagement session for a while! It was a lot […]

Agy, First of all, Congrats!! The suprise on your face is awesome…Your Love and committment to each other shines brightly, even amoungst the Christmas lights! All my Love, Your Friend, lisa

Awh! 🙂 What a sweet story! 🙂 “Perfect” is the PERFECT way to describe it 😀